通过本次展会与大家的交流,优联科技取得了重大的收获。同时我司秉承服务客户的理念帮助客户提升设计效率,缩短研发周期,加速产品上市时间,抢占更大的市场机会。 优联科技本着“勤奋、严谨、踏实、创新”的企业精神,愿与全球电子厂商和客户携手并进,共创美好明天。
Unionteh has attended 2022 The IME Western Microwave Conference ! The high-profile IME Western Microwave Conference is successfully held in Chengdu Yongli Celebration Center from Nov.1 to Nov.2. Uniontech attends the exhibition with a number of industry-leading products and technologies and which favored and recognized by various professionals. Uniontech has made great achievements in this exhibition. At the same time, our company adheres to the concept of serving customers to help them improve design, shorten the R&D cycle, speed up the time to market, and seize greater market opportunities.