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行业新闻--Industry News
  十一月三日,第十六届中国西部国际博览会正式在蓉启幕。本届西博会以“中国西部·世界机遇”为主题, 76个国家和地区的近9000家知名企业参展,数量为历届西博会之最。我司作为高端微波器件组件的综合方案提供商参加了本次展会,展位位于装备制造馆。

   Uniontech attend Western China International Fair(WCIF)
   The 16th Western China International Fair is held in Chengdu on 3rd December. The theme of the WCIF is “Western China, the world's Opportunity”. More than 9000 enterprises from 76 countries and regions attend the ceremony, with a year-on-year growth of 108%. Uniontech as an integrated program supplier of Microwave components attend the ceremony, and located at Equipment Manufacturing Hall. Our company established relationship with many new customers and foreign businessmen, which promote the development of our company's microwave components’ business.
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